About Us
Air Saffar is the sovereign travel organization; it is trading name of one entrenched UK based organizations, Air Saffar and Tours LTD, which is enrolled organization under the UK law, (Company Registration no. 14794951).
We are here to assist people make more informative stops along the way. No issue what stag you are at in your travel arrangement, our mutual travel offerings intend to keep your time and money. You will be pleased to the service of this website after visit it. We will try to accommodate with you in every difficulty. Our first priority is to give the people a lot of great travelling deals that would be affordable. No matter where you are going, it is the time to come on the right way because everything now is here on this website.
We are providing many special services which are very stunning. We are working with our great team of well trained staff. People can easily access to our site and after they will get our special services. You can tell US in case of any problem and we’ll try to resolve you problems thoroughly. Our mission is to give you affordable plans because we understand the feelings of every person. You can get assistance from our agents easily.